Free Squarespace course! - Combining Canva and Squarespace

Hungry to learn Squarespace?

Look no further than our new mini-course, available for free on the PixelHaze Academy YouTube channel or via our Campus!

In this course, we combine the creative powerhouses of Canva and Squarespace to show you how to make your website stand out from the crowd. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned designer, we'll show you easy-to-follow ways to integrate these two applications to get the most out of their features. From hero banner images and linear gradients to creating a duotone effect and adjusting for mobile layouts, we'll cover it all. Plus, stay tuned for some bonus chapters featuring live projects currently in the pipeline. And the best part? It's completely free! So why wait? Head to our YouTube channel now and start creating your dream website in 2022.

At PixelHaze Academy, we love to demystify technology, so when we are presented with two intuitive, creative powerhouses in the form of Canva and Squarespace, we just had to look into the possibility of creating a free mini-course combining the two.

The result is our new course, available for free on YouTube, showing you easy-to-follow ways of stretching the functionality of both applications and integrating Canva and Squarespace together to get the most out of their features to make your website look polished and unique. We have poured our creative heart and soul into this project, and we hope these concepts will be the rocket fuel that launches your digital project.

Why use Canva?

Canva is a desktop publishing piece of software that allows you to create custom graphics through your web browser, or through the tablet and mobile app. Canva is a great tool for reasons such as its ease of use, giant stock image, graphic library, and versatility. Since you can use it via your website browser, it avoids the necessity of downloading resource-hogging applications.

Why use Squarespace?

Squarespace is a website builder that allows you to create sleek, design-led, responsive websites using a scalable interface that is both inviting for newcomers and a powerhouse for seasoned experts. Like Canva, you can use it via your website browser so no need to download huge pieces of software.

Who is the course for?

The course is for both beginners and seasoned designers. Those who have dabbled in both Canva and Squarespace separately will find immense value in integrating the two together. 

What will you cover in this course?

  • Chapter one: the theory

  • Chapter two: hero banner images and linear gradients

  • Chapter three: creating detailed splatter frames for Squarespace images using Canva

  • Chapter four: combining background photo textures with foreground images

  • Chapter five: creating a duotone effect for images in Canva

  • Chapter six: how the image effects from previous chapters impact mobile layouts and making necessary adjustments

Where can you find the course?

The course is available for free on our PixelHaze YouTube channel. This course will also become part of our Squarespace Box of Tricks course and our Canva Box of Tricks series available on the PixelHaze Academy website. You can get these extra courses for free with our PixelHaze Academy membership, only $60 per year.

More information on this course is coming soon, so stay tuned to the PixelHaze YouTube channel and the PixelHaze Academy.

Enjoy the course!


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