Mobile First Design: Prioritising the Smallest Screen

Embracing the Mobile First Approach in Modern Web Development

How it is used: Mobile first design is a strategy in web development where designing for the smallest screen size (mobile) takes priority before scaling up to larger screens (like tablets and desktops). This approach stems from the growing prevalence of mobile internet usage, ensuring that the primary content and functionality are optimized for mobile users. It involves planning the structure, content, and design around the limitations and capabilities of mobile devices and then progressively enhancing the experience for larger screens.

"Mobile first design is a philosophy that puts the majority of internet users first. It's about delivering the core message and functionality efficiently, no matter the device."

- Elwyn Davies, Pixelhaze Academy.


  1. Content Hierarchy: Prioritizing content and features that are most important for mobile users.

  2. Progressive Enhancement: Starting with a basic version and adding more features and content for larger screens.

  3. Touch Interactions: Designing with touch screen navigation in mind from the start.


  • Improved User Experience on Mobile: Ensures the site is fully functional and easy to use on smaller screens.

  • Faster Load Times: Mobile designs tend to be lighter and faster loading, beneficial for users with slower connections.

  • Better SEO: Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their rankings.


  • Limited Space: Prioritizing and organizing content within a smaller screen can be challenging.

  • Feature Parity: Ensuring that the mobile version offers a comparable level of functionality to the desktop version.

  • Testing Across Devices: Extensive testing is required to ensure the design works well across all screen sizes and types of devices.

Best Practices:

  1. Start With Core Content and Features: Identify what's most important and design around that.

  2. Use Fluid Grids and Flexible Images: Ensure your layout and media work well on all screen sizes.

  3. Test Early and Often: Use real devices for testing to get a true sense of the user experience.

  4. Consider Mobile Performance: Optimize images, scripts, and other assets for fast mobile loading.

Takeaway Notes:

  • Mobile first design is essential in a world where most internet traffic comes from mobile devices.

  • It focuses on delivering the best possible experience to mobile users, ensuring content is accessible and functional.

  • While it presents certain challenges, adopting a mobile-first approach is crucial for reaching and engaging the widest audience in today's mobile-centric world.


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