Designing Professional Slides for Your Presentation: Avoiding 5 Common Mistakes

In this post, Elwyn will discuss the top five mistakes that can ruin your presentation slides and how to avoid them. Let's dive in!

When delivering a presentation, it's not just about the content. The design of your presentation slides plays a critical role in how effectively you can communicate your message to your audience.

However, creating professional and effective slides can be challenging, especially for beginners.

Fortunately, tools like Canva and PowerPoint can make creating professional and engaging presentation slides effortless. Canva is a popular design platform allowing users to quickly and easily create visually appealing graphics, including presentation slides. Similarly, PowerPoint is a widely-used presentation software that provides users various design options and tools to create professional and engaging slides.

The Child in the Sweet Shop

The first mistake many beginners make when designing presentation slides is trying to include too much information. It's easy to get carried away with all the exciting visuals and designs available, and try to have everything on one slide. This mistake can make your presentation slides cluttered, confusing, and overwhelming to your audience.

To avoid this mistake, you must focus on the key message you want to convey in your presentation. Think about the main points you want to communicate, and then try to summarize them concisely and straightforwardly. Use bullet points, charts, and diagrams to convey your message clearly and effectively.

Remember, your presentation slides should be like a billboard that quickly catches your audience's attention and delivers your message with minimal distraction.

Running Out of Space, Man!

Another common mistake that can ruin your presentation slides is not leaving enough space on the slide. Trying to fit too much information onto one slide can make it challenging for your audience to read and comprehend your message. Small font sizes, cluttered graphics, and too many visuals can all contribute to a lack of space on your slide.

To avoid this mistake, you need to prioritize your content and think about what information is most critical. Be mindful of the amount of text you include on each slide, and use larger font sizes and more white space to make your presentation more visually appealing and easier to read.

Consistently Inconsistent

Consistency is key when it comes to designing presentation slides. A common mistake is using different fonts, colors, and layouts on each slide. This inconsistency can make your presentation look unprofessional and distract your audience from your message.

To avoid this mistake, you should choose a consistent font, color scheme, and layout for your presentation slides. Stick to a theme throughout your presentation to create a cohesive and professional look.

Ready to go Canva Pro?

What’s the difference between Canva and Canva Pro? Canva is a free app that lets you create visual content like graphics, presentations, posters and more. You can use it to create social media images, blog posts, and various marketing assets. Canva Pro is a subscription-based service that gives you access to design tools and features that aren’t available in the free version of Canva. Suppose you’re creating visuals regularly and want access to a wider range of templates and design assets (a much larger photo and illustration library). In that case, Canva Pro might be worth the investment.

Failing to Shine the Spotlight

Your presentation is not just about you but also your audience. A common mistake is creating slides that focus too much on the presenter and not enough on the audience. This mistake can make your presentation feel self-centred and disengage your audience.

To avoid this mistake, focus on your audience's needs and interests. Consider what your audience wants to hear, what questions they may have, and what information they need to make informed decisions. Use images and graphics that resonate with your audience and help them connect with your message.

Showing the Whole Story

The final mistake many beginners make when designing presentation slides is trying to tell the whole story on one slide. This mistake can lead to cluttered slides that confuse your audience and dilute your message.

To avoid this mistake, you should break your story into manageable chunks and use each slide to focus on one key point. This approach will help your audience stay engaged and understand your message better.

Wrapping Up

Designing professional slides for your presentation is critical to delivering a compelling message to your audience. By avoiding these five common mistakes, you can create slides that engage your audience and help you communicate your message clearly and effectively.

Remember to focus on your key message, leave enough space on your slide, be consistent with your design, shine the spotlight on your audience, and break your story into manageable chunks. With these tips, you can create presentation slides that captivate your audience's attention and make a lasting impact.

In addition to these tips, there are some other best practices you can follow to design professional slides for your presentation:


Keep it Simple

Simplicity is key when it comes to designing professional slides. Avoid using too many colours, fonts, and graphics. Instead, choose a simple colour scheme and stick to one or two fonts throughout your presentation. Use simple graphics and charts to illustrate your points, and avoid using too many animations or transitions.

Use High-Quality Images

Images can significantly impact your audience, so using high-quality images in your presentation slides is essential. Avoid using low-resolution images that look blurry or pixelated. Use high-quality images relevant to your message and add visual interest to your presentation.

Use Consistent Branding

If you're presenting on behalf of a company or organization, using consistent branding in your presentation slides is crucial. Use the company's logo, colour scheme, and font throughout your presentation to create a cohesive and professional look.

Practice Good Typography

Typography plays a crucial role in designing professional slides. Use a legible font that is easy to read, even from a distance. Use bold and italic fonts to emphasize key points, and avoid using all caps, which can be challenging to read.

Don't Overdo It

Finally, remember that less is more when designing professional slides. Avoid cluttering your slides with too much text, graphics, and animations. Instead, use a minimalist approach to design your presentation slides and focus on your key message.

In conclusion, designing professional slides for your presentation takes time and effort, but delivering an effective and engaging presentation to your audience is worth it. By avoiding common mistakes and following best practices, you can create slides that captivate your audience's attention and deliver your message clearly and effectively. Remember to keep it simple, use high-quality images, practice good typography, and don't overdo it. With these tips, you can create presentation slides that make a lasting impact.


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